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Charleston Walking Tours:
Christmas in Old Charleston!!

Charleston Walking Tours: Christmas in Old Charleston!!

Christmas in Charleston is a special time of year! In a city where old traditions persist, it is a city of Holiday gatherings, festoons and greenery, old china and Grandma’s pound cake. Even so, celebrations have evolved through the years. Christmas trees were a novelty in the 1850s, and Christmas Pie (today we know it as “Mince Meat Pie”) was on every table. Charleston Old Walled City Tours is proud to announce that we are offering our popular Christmas in Olde Charleston Walking Tour again this year. For information or reservations call 843 343 4851 or go to and choose the “book online” button in the upper right hand corner.

We also want to make everyone aware of Christmas 1860 at the Edmondston Alston House. This year, on December 2 and December 9, the Edmondston Alston House is presenting a candle a light reenactment of Christmas 1860. To purchase tickets, make reservatiuon and get information for Christmas 1860 at the Edmondston Alston House got to: . If you have never attended it is a powerful event. Assisted by the Washington Light Infantry in period garb, you’ll never forget it. For that reason, I have compiled “snapshot” of Christmas 1860 in Charleston as reported in the newspapers.

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